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Choose Your Own Adventure!

 (And learn a little about me)

Instructions: You get to create the story! Read the story then click on the button to choose the next action. You’re in control.

Not too many years ago (but enough years), there was a born a dreamer. As this dreamer grew older he knew that he was made for something special: to change the world.

But he didn’t know how to change the world. Where should he start?

Should he follow the path where he is most skilled, follow the next big opportunity, or aim right at the dream itself?

Choose Your Own Adventure!

 (And learn a little about me)

Instructions: You get to create the story! Read the story then click on the button to choose the next action. You’re in control.

Not too many years ago (but enough years), there was a born a dreamer. As this dreamer grew older he knew that he was made for something special… to change the world.

Somewhere along the way, he got caught up in the distractions of life. Although the dream was still bright in his heart, there were other things on top of the dream. Not more important than the dream, but literally on top. Things that had to removed first in order for the dream to be able to be set free. But these things are not so easily moved.

If you are reading me, that means that you have been dislodged from the story. Did the red and the big white text catch your eye? Predictable.

You can’t deny the allure of things that steal your attention. Then don’t blame our dreamer either.

Dreams? Changing the World? Pfh!

“Changing the world can wait”, ironically says the world. The intoxicating allure of all that opportunity had to offer, this dreamer, chose to follow opportunity. Becuase he believed that would lead to his dreams.

But don’t be too be too saddened by his choice. As there is a time when dreams are meant to be followed, and this is not the right time.

He needs to experience the weight of time lost and the encumbrance of the less important. All of which makes the dream taste sweeter, which gives the dream more power. That is, as long as he doesn’t forget the dream altogether.

But rest assured that every risk & wrong turn just weaves another thread into the tapestry of character and experience needed to be ready for that dream.

Ackh! Too soon!

A dreamer without the understanding needed of how to wield that dream is a waste.

He has yet to go through the difficult, the beautiful, the memorable, the mundane, & the heartbreak experiences needed to mold shape and create the awe and responsibility that is essential to wield the dream responsibly.

His dream dies like a flower opening too soon in the warm weeks of winter.

It’s Too Soon to Chase the Dream

Our dreamer does not know the value of the dream and he is only half the man the dream needs him to be.

Is it too late for the dream? Too far away?

(Press  Mac: “command + a” or Windows: “Ctrl + a”)

Hidden right in front of you, sometimes dreams are closer than you realize.

With excitement and anticipation, our dreamer is ready. The years have prepared him for this moment. To follow his dream. All the skills he has gained, hours he has worked, makes the yearning even greater. The perspective he now has makes the dream taste sweeter than anyone could know.

Our dreamer quickly realized that by following opportunity he might get a chance to change the world, but his path was not direct and fraught with distractions.

Becuase Changing the World is an unintended consequence of opportunity. Wouldn’t it be better if it were the intended consequence?

What an important lesson he learned. There is no folly in opportunity, it just creates work about the goal, which is not the same as the goal. Don’t confuse the finger pointing at the moon with the moon itself.

It’s also a part of what makes me special. Of what makes me, me.

What is it? It’s an ability.


I have the ability to
“make everything better”.

You Have Reached… Now.

This is now. Now you have to make a decision.

You can help this dreamer along his path. Your help is more than essential.

See Examples Below of How I

“Make Everything Better”

Eek! I’m still working on the sections below. I’m continually updating it. I will have more by January 28th.

iPhone App UI – Podcast, Blog, & Events App

iPhone App UI – Podcast, Blog, & Events App

Simple Driver App – iPhone App UI

Simple Driver App – iPhone App UI

Desert Fuels Print Brochure

Desert Fuels Print Brochure

Launched “Desert Fuels, Inc.” from Scratch & Grew to an Award-Winning Private Company

Launched “Desert Fuels, Inc.” from Scratch & Grew to an Award-Winning Private Company

Developed (from scratch) iPhone App: PowerFuel

Developed (from scratch) iPhone App: PowerFuel

Planned a Most Unique Marriage Proposal

Planned a Most Unique Marriage Proposal

I have an insatiable desire to learn new things, and then to create.

(This is me.)

“I am self-taught. When an idea inspires me, I’ll find a way to make it happen.”
“Oh I am passionate! Not just about work, but about life, other people, and truly making a difference in this world.”
“I don’t stop moving. Working tirelessly to complete the goals I set out to accomplish.”
I even make cool swooshes when moving quickly in real life.
Yes… I used my bitmoji. No shame here.